Participating Artists

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Cloud watcher

Melody Walker
455mm x 455mm   /  

This artwork is available for purchase. Please contact the exhibiting gallery for details

We’re all cloud watchers out here. On the land, these fluffy little wonders dictate most of our daily activities. If they haven’t been around in a while it’s feeding cattle, if there have been too many it’s staying in because the creek’s up and we won’t be getting anywhere anytime soon. It’s when to plough, when to plant, when to harvest, rake the hay, turn the hay, bale, move cattle, sell cattle, buy. It’s what are the ants doing over your way? How much did you get? Is the creek up? The reality is they unite us these skies, without them we’d have a whole lot less to talk about. 

Curator’s Comment
This work is compositionally strong. Even at a reduced scale, this work gives the sense of inconceivable vastness, or of the mathematical sublimity of the rural landscape. To further enhance this approach and subject matter, you could consider building up the layers of the work through depth and medium transparency. Your artwork statement reveals authentic ties to individual and collective experiences in a rural setting. 

About the artist

Having spent much of her life on a property in the Western Downs, Melody Walker is an avid cloud watcher. Through her art, Walker endeavours to capture those little moments in life so easily overlooked and underappreciated. In this case, the clouds out the car window on her way to collect the children from the bus.